Wellbeing Award
We are very proud to say that we have achieved the 'Wellbeing Award for Schools'.
This whole-school award focuses on ensuring effective practice and provision is in place that promotes the emotional wellbeing and mental health of both staff and pupils.
The award has a focus on changing the long-term culture of a school, and embedding an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.
With this award, schools can:
- Show their commitment to promoting mental health as part of school life
- Improve the emotional wellbeing of their staff and pupils
- Ensure mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided
- Offer provision and interventions that matches the needs of its pupils and staff
- Engage the whole-school community in the importance of mental health awareness
- Capture the views of parents, pupils and teachers on mental health issues
When the verifier visited school, he commented:
"There are many strengths, but those that particularly resonated were:
* the Head Teacher’s commitment to inclusion and the way that was echoed and amplified by all the stakeholders
* the healthy, supportive and humorous relationships between members of staff
* the relationships between adults and children
* the appreciation of the nature and importance of emotional wellbeing and good mental health."
Do you have any ideas on how we can continue to improve the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of all of our community? Please email office@stmatthewsce.bradford.sch.uk