

At St Matthew’s we recognise the importance of Science in our everyday lives. We fully embed Science as a core subject within our curriculum and we aim to have scientific enquiry at the heart. Our Science topics increase the knowledge and understanding of the world of our pupils and feeds and develops their natural curiosity. We want our children to be stimulated to ask questions, to be hands on and to use scientific vocabulary confidently. At St Matthew’s we encourage respect and care for living things around us and to cherish our environment. We want our pupils to be inspired to pursue careers in science and every single child is encouraged to see how Science can play in a role in their futures.



At St Matthew’s, Science units are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum.

  • Children are given a knowledge organiser at the start of each topic which details some key Science Curriculum Statement information, dates and vocabulary. This is not used as part of an assessment, but to support children with their acquisition of knowledge and are used as a reference document.
  • Children have access to key scientific vocabulary and are able to use this vocabulary confidently.
  • Children use a range of resources that match the unit and develop their understanding of working scientifically.
  • Allow opportunities for practical investigations and experiments along with exploring, predicting, planning and presenting findings in a variety of ways.
  • Develop a whole school approach to fair testing.
  • Reflecting on previous learning and building on prior knowledge ensuring that ideas are linked together.



The impact of this implementation will be that most children will achieve age related expectations. Children will retain scientific knowledge evidenced by pupil voice. They will be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge learned. Through learning the importance of the impact of Science on our lives, children will be enthusiastic learners and talk eagerly about their Science learning. They will be able to investigate collaboratively and practically and to be able to reason scientifically.


Science Curriculum Map