
Unleash your creativity through music. Music at St Matthew's.

Our Music Curriculum Map can be found here


At St Matthew’s we aim to offer a high-quality Music curriculum that will enable pupils to unleash their creativity through music. Teaching should arm children with the knowledge and understanding to be able to discuss and perform music.


Our music topics are aligned with the National Curriculum expectations and it is delivered with the support of Charanga. Our topics provide children with experiences of using music in a variety of ways, enabling children to be inspired and flourish to be the best that they can be.

Our music curriculum shows clear progression from Reception to year 6, enabling children to recap and build upon previous knowledge and skills learnt in topics prior.

This year, year 3 have their music lesson with Mr Payne from the Music Hub. With Mr Payne they learn to play and perform a variety of instruments including playing as a group in a Samba ensemble.


Music at St Matthew’s enables children to unleash their creativity through music. By the end of each unit, children will have a greater knowledge and understanding that will help support them to flourish with their musical talents and be the best that they can be.

Interested in music lessons? Apply now at Bradford Music Hub

If you have any questions, please come to school to talk to us. 

You can also contact our music lead - Miss Woodcock-Shaw